Saturday evening was egg coloring. We tried a few new things, and our eggs turned out so fun. First thing we changed was the type of dye. We used kool-aide! It was so bright and smelled good too. Haha.
We also took crayon shavings and melted them into water and dunked the egg in. The crayon stuck to the egg and made a really cool design.
Then we also tried dripping rubber cement onto them and dunking them. When you rub off the rubber cement, it leaves bright white lines. Not very kid friendly though. There was also the regular color on the egg with a crayon and dunk them. We had so much fun.
These are the eggs that were dunked into the melted crayon.
After egg dying, we opened Easter baskets on Skype with Grandma and Papa. The boys each got one of these. They are punching balloons shaped like animals.
They are totally disturbing and gross, but the boys had fun with them.
The kids stayed up pretty late, and slept in on Sunday. They were excited to dig into their baskets when they got downstairs though.
I like Elliott's technique. This is how I would get to the bottom of the basket too.
Then the hunt for eggs was on.
It went pretty quickly except for that one egg. There is always that ONE egg. This one was in plain sight, but we all overlooked it for several minutes.
I made this shirt for Elliott to wear on Easter. I couldn't resist. It's SO him.
Ethan wore his new helmet all morning. He's so goofy.
In the afternoon, we took the boys out to the fort to an egg hunt. They had a great time.
And the weather couldn't have been more perfect.
After the hunt, they got to collect their prizes. Both of them got more than enough.
We couldn't keep them inside if we wanted to. I was pleasantly surprised to see Elliott riding the razor scooter at mach speed. His 3 wheeled scooter broke, but we didn't want to replace it, and now you can see why. He is just like his big brother when it comes to coordination. He caught right on to the 2 wheeled scooter.
Lucky for us, Jason was off today, and Ethan didn't have school either, so we got a whole extra day together. This was the view from our front door this morning. Who doesn't love sidewalk chalk?
"I draw picture Mom" Wonder what it was.......... :)
Ethan writes on everything. Not sure why but this says "Stop, look at my eyes".
And the BEST thing about sidewalk chalk.............Sidewalk Chalk Butt. :)
Also, on a springy note, my flower bloomed today. YAY!
I was definitely bummed we couldn't spend Easter in Billings at Erica's annual party, but we had a great time just the four of us.