This post is going to be a jumbled mess of pictures to catch up from last week.
Ethan and Elliott do get along most of the time, I just want to remember that. I love that Ethan takes his time and shows Elliott fun things they can do together. They love playing Tic-Tac-Toe.
We got a LOT of snow this week. 14 inches on the ground to be exact. It was easier to walk to Elliott's school than to try to get in and out of our driveway.
Andrea, Harlo and Everly came over to share the snow day with us. Tubs of snow and a fork and spoon were great entertainment.
Andrea tried to make a snowman. It was not very impressive, but it was funny.
Friday night, Ethan had a sleepover, and I made spaghetti for dinner. I love watching my kids eat spaghetti.
We picked up our ceramics this week too. Ethan couldn't wait to see them. I told him they would be shiny and look totally different than when he left them, but he was still shocked. His are on the left, and the ones on the right are Elliott's.
And this is my beautiful, huge mug. It's perfect for iced coffee. Did I mention it's huge?
I had a total moment of insanity on Friday night (it may have been the sleepover) and found a haircut online that I had to have. I sent a text to Andrea, and she came right over to chop off my hair for me. She's so awesome.
Last night after the boys went to bed, I was cleaning out my tub from Elliott's bath and found this. You have to park your Hot Wheels somewhere, right?
This morning I woke up to a very stuffy head, a coughing and stuffed up baby and a boy with a sore throat. I knew if I got up and got going, I would feel better, so I made some pumpkin donuts for breakfast.
Then for lunch we had homemade chicken noodle soup. Luckily I had just baked a chicken for dinner the other night (fate).
Then I roasted some cinnamon and sugar almonds.
We still don't feel well, but at least I feel like I accomplished something today. From the sound of Elliott's cough and very shallow breathing, I think it's going to be a very long night.