Wednesday, April 25, 2012

just a few more

Saturday morning, we were up early and on our way to Billings. Yes, they are morning people, once they are up. :) 
And shortly after arriving, it was hockey time. 
And right to work. 
He's always ready. 3 on 3 has to be my favorite hockey to watch. 
Ethan even pulled out a tripping call and got a penalty shot. He missed the shot, but I'm proud of his acting skills. Maybe he could go pro. Haha. 
His backhand amazes me. It's almost better than his front-hand shots. 
Henrik didn't know that banging on the glass is actually the norm in hockey, but he was excited to do it. He's going to be a great fan. 
All the boys walking to the car. 
Hanging in the hotel room between games. 
Before the last game on Saturday, we took over the baseball field for some lacrosse action. 
Abby even tried it out. 
The boys cannot get enough of Uncle Crash. Even at 8yrs old and over 60lbs, he still thinks he's little and cute. 
And Elliott wanted in on it too. 
Henrik was super tired, but not having the nap thing, so he chilled on the grass with me and Abby. How stinking cute is this kid? Oh my. 
He passed out for the last game. Not sure how he slept through the yelling and cheering. 
He even slept through our trip to Billings Best Yogurt (he missed out for sure). I think we wore him out that day. 
Sunday morning they joined us for breakfast before they left. 
I was showing Henrik the awesome games on the phone. I'm sure he already knows how to use it. 
We tried for a quick photo opp. I guess we could have planned better and included both of my kids. Oooops. 
After Abby and Chris left, the boys got out the DS's, and played for a while. The first game wasn't until 11:30 so we had a lot of down time. 
Elliott had tripped over Chris' foot and busted his face on a table. It doesn't look too bad here, but it's got a pretty good bruise on it today. 
Carson, Erica and Laura joined us for the game. Carson even made a sign. It was adorable. He held it up the whole game, only putting it down briefly when he needed to clap. 
Meanwhile, on the ice, Ethan was busy doing what he does. 

We played a second game after that, and being undefeated, they played for 1st and 2nd place. Ethan wanted me to video the game so there are no pictures, but it ended in a tie and had to go into a shootout. The boys lost in the shootout to a team they had already beat in the very first game, and you can see in this picture they were pretty upset about the loss. My heart was breaking for them while I took this photo. It's so hard to see them disappointed. 
We had a really great weekend, and as always it was awesome to have Abby, Chris and Henrik there. 
Now we can get on with the spring and summer.

Friday, April 20, 2012

it happened. already.

Remember while Abby was here, Ethan went to the orthodontist? Well, he did, and the outcome of that appointment led us to braces. 
YES! Braces! At 8 years old! What the heck?!?!
So yesterday was the day.
We dropped Elliott off at school and headed to Ethan's appointment.
He's been so anxious, asking questions about it everyday. What can I eat? What colors should I get? How do they work? Etc. 
The staff was great and answered all of his questions and then some.
He started the appointment trying to decided what color of bands he wanted.
And it took them about 30 minutes to get them on, and when she asked what colors he decided on, he still wasn't sure. Haha. He finally settled on pink and blue. 
He's been a trooper, and swears they don't hurt. He's also been really good about making sure he's not eating things he isn't supposed to. I have to say, for an 8 year old, he's a pretty responsible kid.
He will wear braces for about a year, and likely have to wear them again once his adult teeth come in. This round is to make room for the teeth that need to come in. 
Tonight at dinner he said, "only 364 more days till I get my braces off." It's going to be a long year. :) 
He has 6 weeks until his first checkup/tightening, and I'm happy to say that he's already decided what color of bands he wants.
He will be playing in Big Sky State Games for hockey this weekend, and then we can hang up his skates for a while and enjoy the summer.

Happy Birthday Jason

Jason's birthday was on Wednesday. He wanted to make sure we celebrated, so we got a cake for him. 
And sang.
He got a new book on his nook, so he wasn't without a gift.

I can't wait to have him home to celebrate the rest of the holidays this year.

something new

I know you are probably really tired of seeing hockey pictures (only one more tournament for the season!), so here is something a little different. 
Ethan decided he wanted to try lacrosse this spring, and he's in love.
This was him on day one, gearing up.
And of course posing. 
He's so cute (or handsome). 
Elliott has to be included. 
This was the second practice. Elliott brought his own stick so that he could practice too. He's actually pretty good. 
I'm still amazed that he can catch the ball with the stick. 
And judging by that smile, so is he. :)  
Don't worry....... 
He caught that one too. 
There is a lot of running. 
And running. 
And running (check out those calves!) 
So far he's only had 2 practices, but he spends a lot of time in the yard working on catching and throwing. His coach had a great idea to throw the ball against the wall and catch it...........over and over and over. Now all I hear from outside is "thump, thump, thump". :) 
We are looking forward to learning more about the game and having him play a couple times.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Easter in Instagrams

Well, I made it to Easter. I will get caught up. 
Saturday, after we dropped off Tyler, the boys and I hit Michael's. The "make and take" for the day were these cute little egg bunnies. The boys had fun making them.
That evening was an event put on by some of the Military Teens in Montana. April is the Month of the Military Child. I'm pretty proud of mine. 
The boys woke up to this on Easter morning, and lots of eggs to find. 
And no holiday would be complete in our house without a nerf war. 
The pinatas were a big hit (no pun intended).  
They both destroyed them within seconds. 
They really like their new chairs. 
And the Angry Bird slap bracelets too. Haha. 
We went to the Easter Egg Hunt at the Fort. I asked them to take a picture with the Easter Bunny and Elliott informed me "that's not the Easter Bunny, it's a girl with a mustache!" 
After lunch, we headed over to the park. We played kick ball, baseball, soccer and lacrosse. It's not easy to throw and catch a lacrosse ball, while kicking a soccer ball. 
The only thing that would have been better, would if Jason could have been here. Guess that means I can look forward to next Easter.