Today, is a special day for me. Today is veteran's day. A day to remember and take notice of all the sacrifices and accomplishments of our nation's service men and women. A day a nation comes together as one to say thank you.
Today reminds me of when I was on leave a few weeks back. After I flew in to the Dallas Fort Worth Airport, I got to experience the most amazing home coming i think any one would ever be blessed with. I walked through this hallway on an upper level to get through the airport to go to customs, and everyone that was below waiting for there flights were on there feet applauding us as we waled past. They didn't stop applauding till the last person past. They didn't know who I was, I didn't know who they were, but I sensed a real appreciation. It honestly made me feel like I made a difference. After customs, I made my way thru baggage claim (luckily I didn't have any.) Standing on the other side of baggage claim was two lines of It felt like 50 people each standing on either side of the door. They all had banners and wanted to each say thank you and Shake my hand. I was stopped at least 10 times by either people who worked there or people that just wanted to help, to make sure I knew where my gate was. To all them I say Thank you.
Today I think of My Uncle Al, Uncle Ed, and My Father in-law (Elliott) who all served. I think about how I will be able to share my war stories with their's. I don't think My spades games will hold up against Uncle Al's Vietnam stories though. I think about My Granddad on Amber's side (who served), and how I really wished I could share my stories with him, the great story teller he was. I think of all the past veteran's and how because of them I can serve today and be thanked for my service. If it wasn't for them I would have had the chance. I honestly believe when some one tells me thank you, I take it personally for myself and I take it on behalf of every one else who served.
Today I also think of everyone back home. Amber, Ethan, and Elliott. Mom, E-1, and E-vile respectively. They do a great job of making sure everything is going fine at home. Amber works her butt off to get me what I need, and the kids help her. Will ethan does, I'm not so sure about E-vile yet. lol. Thank you guys. I also want to thank all amber's friends, that support her. Jaymee, Erica, Jackie (ultimate Bears Fan!) I can't think off all of her friends so i'm sorry if I missed one, but Thank you for helping her out like you guys do. I know it means a lot to her, but trust me it means even more to me that when I'm gone I can count on you even though I never say anything. you guys are the best.
I really want to thank one guy that deserves it. Dereck thank you for being there for my Kid's. More importantly Ethan. You taught him how to ride his two wheeler, because I was gone. You take him to Cabelea's and you just plain hang out with him. It means alot to me that you were there when ever amber needed some one. Thank you.
I know this is a day to thank our service men and women of this great nation's armed forces. But I like to take a step back and think of everyone else back home that take care of all the loose ends, and keep our lives rolling forward for us while we are gone doing our jobs. Thank you.
oh made this cold hearted girl cry real tears. I thanked you in my post today but I wanted to say thank you again for your service. It's our pleasure to help Mer in any way we can, she and the boys are our family and that is what family does. : )