Sunday, December 20, 2009

An Elliott Update.

I have been really lax about doing updates on Elliott. Maybe because I see him everyday and spend basically every waking moment with him. He is at a terrible yet sometimes fun age. He is learning so much. Mostly what he is not supposed to touch. I think I tell him "no" about 1/2 a million times a day, and clean up his spills and toys at least a hundred times a day. Just because what I am about to say is just now being said, does not mean it is new news for me. : ) Elliott has learned to climb on everything, the couch, the chair, the stool, and the beds. Of course once he gets to the top, he walks all over and grabs everything within his new reach. This includes, drinks, electronics, scissors, fish food, etc. I didn't post about it, but there was a tragic incident with the fish food a few days ago, and both kids got sent to bed at 5:00pm. Yes, I was MAD. Elliott is also now a "walker". I love when I am in a room and he comes walking around the corner. He is so proud of himself, and loves to walk outside to the car, and walked all over Game Stop today while Ethan and I were shopping. He has still not started talking. Maybe he is saving one milestone for when his Dad gets home. :) He says Mama if he wants something, or Dada if he is being a brat, but mostly if he wants what he does not have, he will just SCREAM at the top of his lungs. Some of you are lucky enough to have witnessed this. He has gotten really good about playing with his toys and entertaining himself for a little while at a time, but still clings to me if other people are around. He has started to enjoy going to the hockey rink, and climbs the stairs and comes back down over and over. It scares the other moms, but I am tired of chasing him so I guess he will learn. He likes to stand at the glass and yell at the players during practices. He thinks he should be in charge. It's hard to think that someday I will miss this age. I won't lie, it's tough for me to enjoy it when I am with him so much, but I also know that most moms would love to have my "job" and I am very lucky.

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