I have to start with a huge thank you to Jaymee and Dereck. Jaymee and I had planned to go to the game together, and leave the little ones with Dereck (since they would both be sleeping), but Jaymee had a change in plans and she and Dereck both stayed home and kept Elliott for me. I had a great time just being with Ethan, and not lugging around an extra 25lbs, and trying to keep Elliott entertained an seated for 3 and 1/2 hours was so nice. Well, Joe and Tyler came up too, but you know what I mean. We all went to dinner at a new Italian restaurant, then I took Elliott to Jaymee, and headed to the game. While we were getting everyone situated on the plan, the Bulls came out of the locker room and before they headed to the ice, the kids got to give them knucks. This is by far one of Ethan's favorite things to do. Look how tiny he is compared to that guy. Mind you, the Bulls players are only 16-19 years old. Oh yeah, and they SMELL TERRIBLE! But, when you are 6, I'm sure they are impressive.
Here is Ethan getting ready for his debut. He's just so stinkin' CUTE!
All ready to hit the ice. Unfortunately, my pictures of them on the ice didn't turn out, but Tyler said he got some and will send them to me.
LOVE US SOME BORRIS! Ethan cannot walk by Borris the Bull without getting knucks and usually his picture.
After the 2nd period, the kids got to go back onto the ice and throw stuff into the stands with Borris.
Yep, he fell, and the t-shirt didn't make it over, but after a couple tries he got it. It's not easy being 3 ft tall.
Whew, a hard days work at being just a little bit famous. It's not easy but somebody has to do it. 
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