The last couple days I haven't felt great, especially in the evenings, so I have fallen behind on my blogging. Here is the run down. Tuesday afternoon, we needed to get out of the house, and I wasn't feeling too bad, so we took the kids to run around at the mall. They have so much fun. Elliott has learned to use the slide right, and goes up the stairs, then down and he even waits his turn. Ethan is a little bit big for the play place, but he is entertained for a while climbing up on top of things.
After the mall, we went and ate some fast food, then we went to the skating rink for Ethan's last skate night of the year for school. I was excited because now that Jason is home, I got to put on skates and roller skate with Ethan. I didn't fall, and for just having my wisdom teeth out and being on some drugs, I did ok. I did realize that I am really old though, and after about 20 minutes, I was ready to be done. Jason, being the great husband he is, decided to take this video of Ethan and I skating. You can't see me really well, so I don't mind posting it. I really do miss roller skating, and we will definitely be going back. Elliott is big enough to start too!
Wednesday morning, I was doing ok, but Jason, Elliott and I sat around and played for a long time before getting ready for the day. Have I told you how much I love having my husband home? LOTS!
Ok, I look TERRIBLE in this picture, but it was Wednesday morning, and I took a lot of drugs to help me sleep the night before. I had to post it though, just to show that I really do play with my kid sometimes. :) He was taking these little bolts from his work bench and sticking them on our fingers then laughing. It was fun watching him figure it out.
The rest of this week has been really uneventful, and I don't even have any more pictures. Sorry. Ethan had hockey this morning and helped out with the kids who are just learning before he had his game. He did score a goal today! We were supposed to go to Jackie's house for Super Bowl, but she is very sick, and uninvited us today. I bought a chocolate cake at Costco for the occasion, yes, it's INCREDIBLE and HUGE just as a Costco cake should be. It weighs 7lbs! It's so rich, a very small piece and a glass of milk is a meal (not a healthy one I know). I couldn't resist though, and now it looks like Jason, Ethan and I will have to eat it all by ourselves. I can feel my pants fitting tighter already. Hope you all have a great Super Bowl Sunday.
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