Friday, April 16, 2010

Stay Tuned

It's been a pretty uneventful week, sorry. The weather is getting SO nice, and yesterday was the first day Ethan rode his bike to school. He was so excited. Jason's bike had a flat, so he took mine with Elliott on the back and rode behind Ethan. It's a pretty short ride (only 3 minutes) so Jason videoed the whole thing. It's not exciting to watch, but Jason added some extras to spice it up.  :)

Last night, Jason gave me the night off. He took the kids to hockey, and I went with Jaymee to the "Vagina Monologues". It was SO good, and so nice to have a night out. We laughed so hard, and some of it was serious and tugged at your heart strings, but mostly, it was funny. The best part was Jason and Dereck's reactions. They would have loved it if they went, but it's more fun to let their mind's wander and keep them guessing what it was really about.  :)  haha

Jason made this really short video of Elliott going down the slide at the park. It's cute, and since I don't have a lot of other things to put on here, I thought I would share.

This morning I went to school with Ethan for the "Veggie Party". Yes, it was a bunch of kindergartners eating veggies and ranch, then marking on the sheet they had if they liked each one or not. Erica (bless her!) kept Elliott for me, and took him and Carson to the mall to play. He had a great time.

I can't wait for tonight. We have a HUGE surprise for Ethan. Stay tuned for that.

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