I am really enjoying being home with Elliott, all by ourselves. Last night, after Elliott's bath, I had a brilliant idea to let him do some finger painting. He had a great time, and had paint everywhere, including on me. He was really angry when we were done, and even this morning wanted to do more. :) While finger painting is fun, I did have a second reason for wanting to do it. Erica has been using Carson's "art" and cutting it to fit on a card, and using them for greeting cards. What a great idea, so I stole it. Don't worry, I'm sure she won't mind. Didn't they turn out great?
Today, we bought Elliott some training pants, some Skittles and some M&M's. I am determined to make Potty Training Boot Camp a success. He started saying a few new words, and repeating what I ask him to, more often. I'm hoping that "potty" is added to his vocabulary in the next few days. *fingers crossed*
I also bought strawberries at Costco today. Elliott eats fruit all day long, and lots of it. I got the brilliant idea to make a strawberry pie. Easy right? WRONG! Apparently you need a food processor for the crust (which I don't have) and then you have to "cut" it, and chill it, put weights in it and blah blah blah! Grrr. I just wanted some pie! So that "Martha" attempt may have to wait till tomorrow, when I have more patience, or the time to go to the store and buy a crust. The filling part looks incredibly simple.
I also had an idea in my head for a very long time that I brought to life today. Go here to see it.
Have a great weekend!
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