Saturday, August 28, 2010

first week of school

Just now getting around to posting the 2nd day of school pictures. We remembered to take the camera! Yay!

Last year, Ethan looked so little.
Now he's the "big kid".
Ethan walked with us for the first 1/2 of a block, then he stayed about 10 steps ahead of us.
He didn't even need us at the crosswalk. Thanks Mrs. France for keeping us safe from the crazy drivers.
He was celebrating his victory over the sprinklers.
I love that he will still hug and kiss me in front of the other kids. I bet he wishes we had to drive to the school though so that they couldn't see.  :)
Then he was off. He is a big kid this year. His class is in the building with the kindergarten classes, so they all have to walk together in the morning.
At least I still have this for a little while longer. Note: Elliott will not hold our hands, he makes us hold his wrist like he is in trouble. Must be a comfortable feeling for him since he usually is. Haha.
Ethan loves school. He had a great first week, and while he doesn't look forward to the early bedtime, he does look forward to getting to school in the mornings.

Elliott fared pretty well. He was bored the first day, but is now enjoying his time alone. Maybe he will learn to talk soon.......he has started saying "No." this week. Ugh. Now that's all I hear. I know I shouldn't wish this time away, but I cannot wait for him to get out of the terrible two's.

Have a great week!

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