Friday, November 19, 2010

the big 7

Happy Birthday Ethan!

It's so hard to believe that our precious blue-eyed baby boy was born 7 years ago. I don't know why, but 7 seems so much bigger than 6. He is so grown-up lately too. Every time he tells me something, and to him it is the newest and coolest thing ever, I remember how I felt when I learned that same thing. I remember feeling so big at 7. I remember that in first grade you were a "big kid" even if it was just to the kindergartners.

Ethan is the best kid I know (I'm probably biased).  He tells Elliott that he loves him all the time, and always wants to show him new things and teach him how to be "cool". When I got their hats for their photo shoot, they both had to wear them all day and Ethan would say things like "Elliott, just walk. Cool people don't run." Haha. Yesterday when I picked him up from school, one of the kindergartners yelled out his name, and asked Ethan for a hug. I love that he wasn't too cool to be a good friend, and walked over and gave that kid a big hug and high five. He does have his moments, and is a normal kid. He whines, throws fits, and runs his mouth, but I wouldn't trade him for the world.
He makes us so proud with the effort he puts into school and sports. He always wants to do his best, but never says he is better than anyone else. I swear, this cannot be taught. He is just a good-to-the-soul kid.

He kills me with his big toothless smile. Sadly, I know that huge "McHenry Teeth" are in his future, and his smile will only look more goofy (go ahead, ask me how I know). But someday, all too soon, someone will think he is the most handsome boy, and I will have to fight them off by telling them embarrassing "when he was little" stories.
The last 7 years has been so much fun with him, and I cannot wait to see what the world has in store for him, or rather what he has in store for the world. It's said a lot, but time does fly. FAST!

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