Tuesday, August 23, 2011

grandma and papa come to visit

My mom and dad drove up to see us for the weekend. This was their first visit to Helena since we've been here. The boys were excited all week for Friday. :) 

Of course we had to go swimming first thing. 

The boys thought it was fun to make Papa carry them around the pool.  
Saturday, we did some sight seeing. We haven't really done any of that so it was fun for everyone. My dad remembered being a kid and touring the Catholic Church and wanted us to see it. 
One word, incredible.  
This cell phone pic (as much as I love my iPhone) does nothing for the architecture. 
After lunch, we took the tour train. This is the only picture I took, but I loved seeing all the things I didn't even know existed here. We definitely have to do it again. 
Sunday, there was swimming at the hotel, then a little shopping, then we met my friend, Tessa, at the lake. It was the perfect day for it too. It's been a while since my parents have been able to breath in some fresh mountain air and sit by a gorgeous cool lake. I hope they enjoyed it.  

Seriously. This is 20 minutes from my house. I wouldn't live anywhere else (except maybe closer to this). 

After some jet skiing, Ethan thought he'd try out water skis. 
Up..and..Down. That was quick.  
2nd try. 
UP(ish)! Much better than the first time. 

And......DOWN! Check out that splash. 
He decided twice was sufficient. :) I'm so proud of him though. 
Monday was my parents last day. We all drove to Great Falls to meet up with my Aunt and cousins. It was great to see them all. 
When we got home, the boys couldn't wait to play outside. Elliott rode his bike and the training wheel came off. He wanted it back on, but he really doesn't use them, so I decided he could just use one for a while. He took off and doesn't even use the one he has left except to rest his bike on when he stops. Little stinker. 
In the mail came a package from Daddy. A video of him reading to the boys. They love it. We watched it three times the first time we turned it on. I hope it doesn't wear out. 
We have to get into a routine this week. Ethan starts 2nd grade on Tuesday and Elliott starts preschool soon. They are both ready to go. I can't believe how fast the summer went.


  1. Tell Ethan he did way better on the waterskis than I ever have in all the times I've tried waterskiing!

  2. Amber, we loved spending the weekend with you and the boys. It was a blast and as always, great to see all of you again. We love all of you!!! Someday we'll be back again. Thanks. Dad and Momma
