We are so lucky to have met this family. They are such great people, and their kids are pretty awesome too. A. has been a great friend to me, and we like to do stuff together with our kids, so of course we had to go to the corn maze. :)
Ready to get lost? Apparently that was their goal when we started.
Elliott didn't want to have his picture with the big kids, but was fine taking one with me.
A. thought it would be a good idea to take a picture of me taking a picture of me. Ha.
The big kids ran ahead as fast as they could. Before we were done, Elliott was right with them.
We found the bridge! Yay us!
I think Elliott preferred the mini maze.
Then there was the hay. Oh my. The kids could have played in the hay and on the bales all night long.
Elliott liked just running and jumping into it.
Ethan liked jumping from bale to bale.
Then the big boys got to do the sky jumper thing. Ethan was a little more brave this time, but didn't get all crazy with flips or anything.
Little A., decided it would be funny to throw hay at me.
Little did she know, I don't mind a little hay in my hair (on my sweater, down my bra, in my pants, etc).
It was war! Me vs 4 kids in a big pile of hay.
So much fun.
My sweater collected at least a half of a bale of hay.
Totally worth it though. And don't worry A. I got most of it out.
Ready for our hay ride behind the tractor.
I'm so glad we all went together. It was a great time.
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