Jason and his "buddies", as he calls them (and everyone else really), planned a mountain bike trip in the Bighorns a few months ago. They all got new mountain bikes while they were deployed, and couldn't wait to get on them and take on the Tongue River Canyon.
The trip is about 6 hours in the car. Ewwww. We stopped in Bozeman, only 1/3 of the way through the drive and this pretty much sums up our feelings. Haha.
But the next stop was a beautiful site. I can't tell you how much it sucks for this girl to not have a great craft store near our home.
We finally made it, and Jason wasted no time unloading the bikes and starting to prepare them for the next day.
They were talking "guy" stuff, but I couldn't resist the photo opp. We don't have a lot of pics of them together.
Saturday, Jason and his buddies (hehe) left early for the mountain. The boys and I took advantage of the beautiful day. They first spent some time fishing with Grandpa and Tyler while I went to coffee with my good friend Jenny. It was a great morning. Then I took all three boys to the park so Grandpa could get a nap.
These kids LOVE the sunshine.
Nothing but pure joy. Oh to be a kid again.
Elliott had to test out his spider skills.
And nothing says "kid at the park" like running and jumping onto a swing............
And soaring through the air. Lol
The guys called and said they were ready to be picked up. This was on my drive. I love those mountains.
Dirty butts. They got rained on....... a lot.
And Jason gashed his arm open. Ewww.
After we went to the "Welcome Home" celebration put on by Jason's friend's family (pig roast and other amazing food), we went back to Grandpa's.
Elliott is SO big on his bike. He was riding up and down the hill by Grandpa's house. I was a nervous wreck, the hill is steep.
Then Jason and I got ready for a Mommy and Daddy night out. Something we haven't done in years, literally.
Here are the guys.
And us girls.
It was a much needed night out for all of us, and such a fun time.
Sunday was another long drive to get back home.
Sonic was a must have stop.
And after a few hours, I gave into my sleepy eyes and let Jason drive.
I am SO glad the guys planned this trip and let me (and the kids) come along. It was a short but super fun weekend.
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