I, more than anyone, was NOT ready for school to start this year. I hate how it requires so much time from everyone. Suddenly we don't have any time for the fun stuff. Boooooo.
Ethan and I did his school supply shopping. And I had a brilliant idea. We used the sports cartridge for the Cricut that Aunt Hollie got for us, to personalize Ethan's pencil box. He designed it, and helped put the stickers on. He loves it.
Then, the mohawk needed done. It was trashed after a couple weekends of camping and swimming. It's been a long time since it was only one color.
Everyone needed new shoes.
Elliott helped Jason make sure he got the right fit.
And then it was Ethan's first day. I got teary eyed when I left him in his classroom. I don't know why, but It really gets to me that he's growing up.
I proceeded to wallow in self-pity and got Elliott and I a coffee. We had a really quiet day while Ethan was gone. Even Elliott was sad about it, and wanted his brother home.
Today was Elliott's first day of pre-school for the year. The boys were both excited.
He's in the 4 year old class, but I didn't tear up about this one. Mostly because I was more worried that he would throw a fit about going. But he didn't. He rode his bike, just like a big kid, said his good-byes and away he went.
He was much more angry when I picked him up. Apparently, I came too soon and he didn't have time to play outside. Believe me, he let me know how unimpressed he was. Haha.
I hope the year goes fast. I'm already looking forward to next summer.
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