Ethan had his first hockey practice on Friday night. He did great! Not only did he ROCK all of his drills, he made 4 out of 4 shots on a goalie! They were having a competition to see who had the best goal celebration. Unfortunately, Ethan is very humble and does not celebrate his goals. He just smiles and skates back into line. Elliott had a lot of fun crawling all over the rink, and banging on the glass at the players. He even took a step while we were there. I am not going to call it his first step because he took a step, then stopped and sat down to crawl away. He does love all of the attention from the moms there.
I forgot about something from last week! On Monday, Jaymee took the boys for me to take another class at the bead store! I went with a friend who I haven't seen in a really long time. Not only was it great to catch up with her, but we both love working on jewelry. Well here is the product from that class, and a few others I have made recently.
Great job Ethan!