We had an awesome day! It started with hockey, then a long day of hanging out at home. Then the fun began. Ethan was the Operation Game. I'm pretty proud of myself over this. : )
And Elliott, of course, was the surgeon. He hated the hat, so it didn't last much past this picture. 
We started by going to the Zoo for trick-or-treating. This was a great way to begin.
That is a bearded dragon. ICK! The boys LOVED it. After that was dinner at McDonald's, this was to cut out the "can we eat some candy" during trick-or-treating. It worked (patting myself on the back). My friend Shannon's boys are staying with us, and Ethan had a BLAST going to houses with them. They are all old enough to get it, and be polite and enjoy every minute. Elliott hung out in the stroller and we watched the boys and walked from house to house with them. They made BANK (in the candy sense of the word). No one needs or will ever eat that much candy. By the end of it all, they were all exhausted! I didn't have to say anything about bedtime, they all just came in and got ready for bed, and went. Hopefully they will sleep in, because I would like to. Hope everyone had a great Halloween.
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