Wednesday, October 20, 2010

the pumpkin patch

I am trying really hard to stay caught up so I can focus on one thing at a time when I write a blog. Note: if you read Erica and Jaymee's blogs, these pictures will be far less exciting to you.  :) 

Tonight, we didn't have anything else going on (we skipped hockey), so I took the boys to get their pumpkins. That was exciting enough for them, but I made it even more exciting. We started at McD's. Eating out is a treat, and they both would have been happy just doing this.
Ethan thought we were going to go to the small pumpkin sale at the local church. After seeing how much fun Carson and Raigan had at the pumpkin patch, I wanted to surprise the boys with a real pumpkin patch experience. As soon as Ethan saw it, he started talking about all the things we were going to do and see. When we got out of the car, we could smell the animals. Ethan was not impressed, but it brought back so many memories of the pigs and sheep at my grandparents farm from when I was growing up, I didn't mind at all.
 The first thing they hit was the slide. I'm here to tell ya, that thing zings them down so fast, I barely had time to catch any pictures. Too bad too, they had the biggest smiles on their faces.
 Jaymee said this one didn't go as fast. That's a LIE! Elliott shot out of it so quick and skidded on the board, I thought for sure he would have splinters.
 Even Ethan zipped down it.
 I seriously thought we would be stuck at the slides the whole time, but Elliott finally decided he wanted to ride the cow train. When I put him in, he sat perfectly still, and was so ready to go. I assumed the train would take them around the little track I could see from where I was standing. Next thing I know, they are going back behind the corn field (that would have been good information Jaymee). Thank goodness Ethan went with and was talking and keeping an eye on Elliott.
 Ethan couldn't wait to try these out! Best part, the seat was adjustable and he could reach the peddles. :) He told me on the ride home, "it wasn't too hard until I lost control of my left foot!" The kid cracks me up.
 Elliott wasn't too sure about going into the tee pee at first, but once he figured out the corn was to play in, he wouldn't get out. When I finally got him out, it took him only seconds to run back inside.
 I cannot believe Ethan is almost 4' tall. He's growing up so fast.
 Elliott could have cared less about seeing how tall he is.
 Ethan tried roping some plastic cow heads. Let's call him "Cowboy Hopeless".
 This guy thought I had never seen livestock in my life, and insisted he help Ethan feed the calf. Whatever dude. At least I didn't have to get cow spit on me. Haha.
 Finally, the pumpkins! The pictures are crappy because we had to do everything else first. It was so much fun to be in the field pulling the pumpkins off the vine! Ethan picked some super pumpkins.
 Elliott was pooped! He rode in the wagon all the way back to the car.
 Ethan pulled for a while, but the wagon was heavy, and the pumpkins and Elliott made it even worse.
We definitely had a fabulous time! In Ethan's words "it was the funnest place ever!"

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