Looks like I need to get caught up. Eeeek.
Last weekend, Jason got to come home for a 4 day weekend! Yay for a federal job with federal holidays. :)
Hockey is in full swing. Well, getting there. Ethan was on the ice 3 days last week. I still can't get over how much he improves every year. It's incredible. (note: Jaymee lent us the zoom lens for the camera and it's insane! You can get so close from so far away.) Jason was loving the zoom on the camera in the rink. Ethan was practicing his stopping and throwing snow on the cones.
This is such an awesome picture! Jason was pretty proud of himself.
And soccer is coming to an end, but currently overlaps with hockey. Last Saturday was a LONG day for Ethan. Hockey practice in the morning and a soccer game that afternoon.
Jason is proud of this picture too.
Ethan was exhausted!
Saturday night, Jason and I took some time for ourselves. I surprised him by treating him to Billings Best Yogurt (yes it's the best). It is a super fun place to go, and conveniently located right next to the movie theater. We watched Case 39, a scary movie, and the first adult movie we have seen together in quite a long time.
On Sunday, Jason and Ethan traded in our Playstation 2 for this...........
Not just any Wii, the black Wii. :) We all had a blast playing it, and it's one of the best entertainment investments we have made recently.
I guess Monday wasn't very exciting. Tuesday, Raigan came over for a while so Jaymee could work. We love having her over. The boys get along so much better when they have someone besides just each other to play with. They all played in the leaves for a long time. They raked them up, threw them around, and then raked them up again. Ahhhhhh, to be little again. Precious.
Later was soccer practice, so off we went. The littles kept themselves occupied with the slides and a ball they brought with.
Ethan loves putting his all into his practices.
Elliott and Raigan even used their cuteness to convince Jason to push them on the swings. It was another exhausting day.
Jason spent Wednesday and Thursday at work in Helena, then came home Thursday night. He and I dropped the kids off with Laura (thanks SO much) for the weekend, and headed to Red Lodge. The Nat'l Guard treated us to a Marriage Enrichment course and a free weekend away. Not only did we learn a lot, but we had a great time and met some new people.
This week is back to our current normal. Jason will leave tomorrow for Helena, and we won't see him to Friday night. Ethan has both hockey and soccer again, along with Elliott's birthday coming up this week, we will be busy. At least I have the blog caught up for a few days. Have a great week.
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