Friday, July 1, 2011

the lake

I wanted to post this before it got lost in the shuffle. 

Last weekend, the Family Readiness Group had a family picnic at the lake here. It was a great day for it too. Not too hot, and not raining. :) 

The boys and I went a little early to make sure we could get a good spot. I was shocked to see that there was almost no one at the lake, and we had a huge selection of picnic areas. Almost immediately after setting our things down, we walked down to the water, and off came the shoes. 
Elliott liked just watching.  
Ethan on the other hand went right in. :) 
The water was FREEZING! 
Elliott's favorite part was watching the boats go by. 
Rock skipping was, again, a big hit.  
And Ethan is getting really good at it. 
After the other families showed up, we ate and chatted, and all the kids played together in the sand and water for hours. We had a great time and I can't wait to go back.

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