Friday, September 11, 2009

Is it just me?

Today just feels strange. Like an invisible dark cloud covers this day every year. I try to not let it get to me, but it's there. Ethan's school is turning 100, and the party is tonight. I just don't feel like today should be a party day. The fact that I can't tell you what we did last week, but I can still see every detail of this day 8 years ago, is so crazy. Something with such a huge impact on everyones life. I have to say that I am glad that I didn't have children at that time. I'm thankful that even though their dad is fighting in the war because of this event, they are innocent enough to believe that him being gone, is normal for his job. I pray that they never experience the fear and confusion that we all went through while watching those planes crash into the buildings over and over and over. We may never forget, nor can we forgive, but we have to hope that the future is brighter.

On a lighter note, I decided to dress Ethan as the 80's for decade day at school. It was the best I could do with one days notice. So here it is..............He could have used a mullet and some high top shoes, but it will do. Have an awesome weekend.

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