Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reading Olympics

Friday morning, Jason, Elliott and I rode the bikes over to Ethan's school, and waited patiently in the gym with the other families. I think we were walking a little taller with pride than everyone else though. You see, we knew that Ethan read more books than ANY of the other kindergarteners! The goal was to get the students reading more at home, and with the Olympics on TV, they tied the two together for the "Reading Olympics". 12 books earned a bronze medal, 17 for a silver one and 25 for gold. Here's the thing. The sheet we were given to keep a record of the books we read had 27 spots. Ethan had to fill them all in. Just in case that wasn't good enough, the teacher asked after a few days in if anyone would need a second sheet. Ethan brought home the second sheet and was determined to fill it up. But then, before that one was even full, he brought home a 3rd! Ethan was able to read 25 books on his own, and Jason read the rest of the 71 books. Ethan is a great reader, and reads all kinds of books. He even makes it a point to read signs, words on boxes, labels, posters, ads, and everything else that may be legible. I am so proud of him. This was a great way to start our wonderful weekend (more on that later).


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