Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I know the whole country is getting it, but tonight, with windchill it is supposed to be -40 degrees. I'm just hoping my car will start in the morning. I have been trying to stay in, other than taking Ethan to school. He has been on wild high everyday because they don't get to go outside during school due to the weather. Thank goodness for hockey (never thought I would say that) both kids were exhausted tonight after practice.
Ethan came home from school and Elliott was SO excited, they played for about an hour together. They are so cute!
Elliott's new love is Ethan's hockey helmet. His favorite part is the mouth guard. Someday it will actually fit. Tomorrow we are having our 2nd annual Christmas get together at Erica's house. I tested my inner Martha Stewart and made truffles, yep, truffles. They are AMAZING, and they even look good. I am impressed with myself.

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