Friday, June 4, 2010

Class of 2022 and some fun

Can you even believe that school is out for the summer? This year seems like it flew by!

Today, Ethan's class graduated from Kindergarden. He was so excited! He couldn't wait to get out the door and get to school.

This is a cake they served for everyone who attended. 2022?!?!?! I'm sure it will go fast, but it sounds like a really long time away. By the way, I will be 39 when he graduates high school. YIKES!
Here they come. All the little girls looked so cute dressed up. I, of course, am a bad mom and Ethan wore what he would wear on any normal day. He's still super cute though.
They sang some songs for us, then it was time for their certificates. Ethan got his, a quick hug from his teacher and then.............
He got the hell out of there!
Don't you just love those hats? Ethan had an amazing report card, and we couldn't be more happy.
The weather was perfect to be outside having a piece of cake and some juice.
We asked another parent to get a picture of us all together so that in 12 years, we can have another one taken of us all together and compare them. I think we might look a little different then.
Mrs. Bishop made Ethan's first year of school so awesome. He had so much fun, and we still cannot believe how much he learned. She liked her bracelet, and was even wearing it during the ceremony.
During naptime, I colored Ethan's hair. It's supposed to be purple, but it's more bright pink. It's awesome. When Elliott woke up we went outside to play. I love this picture of him and I had to share.
I found them a swingset on and couldn't pass it up! It needs swings, but it has these two things and a slide. That's all that Elliott can use anyway, so it works perfect for us.
I definitely see some very tan boys and a well used playset in my future. It's so nice to be able to lock them in the backyard with entertainment. It's much easier for me to get things done when they are playing. We had a really great day, and I am so excited that summer has begun.

Have a great weekend.

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