Friday, December 16, 2011

random stuff

First, it's so nice to be able to blog from my computer! :) 

Eli has been keeping the boys entertained. Yesterday he was found here, after digging through my purse.
And this morning, the boys found this. They were ecstatic! Ethan has been wanting to make gingerbread houses, and Eli made it happen. The note read (in small child handwriting, with backwards e's) "have fun decorating, love eli". 
Last week I found this post for monster book marks on Pinterest (I'm so addicted) and I knew immediately that Ethan had to have some. One for home and one for school. He has been reading like crazy, and running out of chapter books! So I sat down and made him a couple. I love them.
Then Ethan got the idea, since everyone has to read in class, that they should all have one! So he spent two evenings working on these. He's pretty proud. I didn't help him at all. I showed him once and he took off. His classmates like them too.  
Ethan's school work cracks me up. Always. Especially his writing. Today I read this and it's a classic example of it. He was asked to write out how he found the difference when given the math problem 26-8=?. His answer reads "First I got twenty-six and I'm like well we cannot take away 8 so I added 10 and then took 8 away and got 18." They are learning to subtract with borrowing (that's not what it's called anymore by the way). The way he wrote his answer is exactly the way he would have spoken it. I laughed so hard. 
Then tonight we did the gingerbread houses. Not going to lie, they are NOT as fun as they look. 
Look at the concentration. 
The frosting was pretty hard to get out of the bag. 
I had to hurry and frost Elliott's because he couldn't stop worrying about the candy. He picked where all his candy went and put it all on by himself. 
There was also a LOT of this. Yum! 
I am impressed with Elliott's creation.
Ethan was still working on his, and now my phone is dead so pictures of his will come tomorrow.

Elliott also had his Christmas program today at school. I can't wait to post the video.

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