Monday, July 5, 2010

a fabulous forth

Elliott and I spent yesterday morning in the back yard, and at the park. We had a lot of fun together. I love the kid he has become.
Our garden is growing so well, we have cucumbers and zucchini starting.........
and yes, I am so impatient, i pulled a carrot just to see how they were coming along. I can't wait!
Elliott was so excited to go to the park, he ran ahead. It was a perfect morning.
Yep, he had to play in the ONLY puddle at the whole park. It was cute though.
Elliott and I packed the car so that when Jason got home all we had to do was get in and go.
We had some "rando" take our picture while it was still light.
The clouds were rolling in, and I thought we were going to get rained out, but it looked awesome. :)
It got dark quick so we didn't have to wait too long. Elliott liked watching the fireworks going off all around us, but I don't think he had any clue what kind of show he was in for.
It got chilly with the wind and a few raindrops, so Elliott snuggled with Jason while we waited.
He did not like having his hood on, but didn't like the rain on his head either. Ugh.
Finally...............Jason took some amazing pics, I just picked out a couple at random. We sat so close that the fireworks were going off right over our heads. All the stuff was falling on us, but the show was incredible.
Elliott didn't hate it! YAY! I was worried he would get scared, but he just laid back and watched. It was a great night with two of my favorite guys. Made me miss my other one though. I am glad he had fun at Grandma and Papa's house though.  :)
Hope you all had a great forth!

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