Saturday, November 7, 2009

My new hobby

Being stuck in Iraq with nothing to do, gives you a lot of free time to do nothing. Being a guy with out a garage to tinker in, I turned to my digital camera to pass the time. I originally was going to take pictures from around base here, but upon further inspection found this place to be (*yawn) boring. I mean, there is nothing here, and you can only take so many pictures of nothing before you feel like you already seen (that) before. After enlightening myself to the fact that I had nothing to take a photo of (but still having a camera) I came across stop motion movies. You know, like Gumby, the night mare before Christmas, Bob the builder..... ect. Well here is my fabled attempt at a short video. There is more to come. I am all ready working out a video of epic proportions! Sit back and enjoy. I would say get the popcorn, but its really short.

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